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网址:http://luanxing.au08.cn  2021-10-26  作者:admin    阅读:

卵形槽模具的使用时间,需要对该模具不断地进行养护,从而比较好的保证产品的质量。卵形槽模具在工程中进行使用的时候,根据温度的不同,对于模具的养护方法也是不太相同的,像温度较高的夏天,因为水沟模具的脱模次数也得到了增加,并且因为钢模具产品,所以钢板的水分不易排出,所以每次使用完模具之后,我们都应该对钢板表面进行清理,将其擦拭干净,之后再保定平面设计培训 保定空调维修 保定管道通风 包装盒定做 化粪池模具 废旧电缆回收 不锈钢铸件使用防护油将模具表面进行涂刷,使模具的成型效果比较好,
For the service time of the oval groove mold, the mold needs to be maintained continuously, so as to better ensure the product quality. When the oval groove mold is used in the project, the maintenance method of the mold is also different according to the temperature. For example, in the summer with high temperature, the demoulding times of the ditch mold have also been increased, and the water of the steel plate is not easy to discharge because of the steel mold products. Therefore, we should clean the surface of the steel plate after each use of the mold, Wipe it clean, and then brush the mold surface with protective oil to make the molding effect of the mold better,

